Kern County, CA
Aging & Adult Services MenuCalFresh Healthy Living Program
CalFresh Healthy Living class schedule now available!
The Kern County Aging and Adult Services Department has partnered with the USDA, California Department of Aging, the University of California Cooperative Extension of Kern County, and the Community Action Partnership of Kern County to provide nutrition and physical activity education to low-income seniors.
The CalFresh Healthy Living Program helps those age 60 + to establish healthier eating habits and a more physically active lifestyle. Come join with us to help our community reduce obesity and chronic disease in Kern County. You can participate in CalFresh Healthy Living Program Virtual Nutrition and Physical Activity classes, and learn how you can help yourself, your family, and your community create positive and healthy change.
The Aging and Adult Services CalFresh Healthy Living Program can help seniors improve their well-being as they engage in fun activities with other seniors. Please click on the links below for an overview of each of the programs offered.